lunes, 26 de enero de 2015

Wonders of Buckwheat

The Buckwheat , has no relationship with the wheat we all know , and which flour is made to prepare all kinds of breads, this wheat comes from a pyramid-shaped seed that is free of    gluten.

The Buckwheat strengthens the kidneys , bladder , intestines and increases appetite . One of the main properties we find is its ability to lower bad cholesterol and raise good , is rich in flavonoids, and good source of magnesium. It's good for the cardiovascular system, helps regulate blood sugar and is ideal for those who have diabetes .

To prepare then you can let soak overnight , though not necessary ,. Then you put in a pot a cup buckwheat 2 of water, add salt and herbs and let it cook over high heat , then lower the flame to low and let it cook about 20 minutes. You can add sauteed vegetables , mixed with legumes, making croquettes .... You can cook it for breakfast adding apple or pear compot, seeds, raisins ....
Let your creativity make delicious dishes with this wonderful cereal

Here's the recipe for buckwheat pancakes that I myself         prepared this Saturday for my daughters, it was delicious!!!

Buckwheat Crepes


1 cup buckwheat
1/2 cup water
2 tablespoons rice syrup
2 drops of vanilla esence
cinnamon 1 pinch of salt preparation: Leave to soak overnight buckwheat, or at least 3 hours. Pulling off the water and add the remaining ingredients. Mash with a mixer until a consistent cream, that it is not liquid . Brush a pan with oil , very important , it's a non-stick pan , When hot , add a ladle of pasta. Let it cook on one side, until you can lift the edges, then flip Fill with apple or pears compote, carobella , almond cream .... For the compote , put to cook skinless ripe apples long with a pinch of salt and cook 20 minutes lower heat . For the almond cream , buy a can of organic almond butter , lasts long , and take a tablespoon of this paste and add 3 tablespoons of hot water and stir to make a , you can sweeten it with rice syrup . Enjoy it !!!!

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